Saturday, December 8, 2007


Renaissance8 is changing. The magazine has moved to this site. Also, I am praying and thinking about asking a phenomenal writer named Mark, a dedicated Christian who lives in Tennessee to be Renaissance8's online managing editor.

How fitting! The very word renaissance itself is about change and rebirth, so please pray as we recreate our look and strategize our market placement that the Holy Spirit would continue to recreate each of us (you, me--our fellow brothers and sisters, etc.) into being more like our Lord Jesus day by day. Renaissance8 - the old site portal will still be there while I'm moving content. Along with this move, all related sites will move to as well, excepting our features which still work best with the other format like the events guide-- See the events guide (under construction) here.

Although the new format looks in some ways less like a professional website than the other platform, this is more functional-- plus it's MUCH less time-consuming and much easier to network. (The transition should be easy too-- just alot of cut-and-paste.)

And networking in this case is really what this is all about-- for to network is to reach people and we're doing it here for the purpose of touching lives with the power and presence of God.

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